Advanced Orthodontic System.
The “invisible” method to align your teeth with transparent aligners, specially made for you, moving teeth gradually in the desired position.
Smile Freedom
Invisalign treatment is designed specifically for little smiles. It is the virtually invisible way to straighten your kid’s and teen’s teeth without the restrictions that come with metal braces.
Invisalign uses a series of clear, removable aligners that have been custom-made for your children’s teeth. Gradually, their teeth shift into place, achieving that confident smile.
Solution to your problem.
Your Journey to a Perfect Smile Starts Here!
Advanced and Effective
Simple and child – friendly, Invisalign is recommended as the ideal treatment for kids and teens, and can be as effective as traditional braces. In the hands of an experienced Orthodontist, it can be used to treat even the most complex orthodontic cases.
Designed for self-confidence
Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible and removable. They are designed to be discreet enough that they can be worn at all times without disrupting your child’s lifestyle. Most people won’t even notice that they are going through treatment.
Better experience
Every aligner is trimmed based on each patient’s gum line for better comfort and appearance. The Invisalign aligners are comfortable, fit well and are easy to put on and take off. That means that your child can continue doing all the things he/she normally would.
Better oral health
Invisalign aligners can easily be removed for eating and drinking. As a result, proper teeth cleaning is achieved by brushing and flossing. Maintain good oral health is important during the orthodontic treatment. Rinse the aligners every night and brush them gently with a toothbrush to keep them fresh and clean!
Never ending fun
Invisalign aligners fit your child’s lifestyle – they don’t interrupt it! They can stay active in all the sports and activities they love! Due to the fact that Invisalign aligners are very thin, they do not affect their everyday activities, speech or social life!